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Neighbourhood Small Grant Applications Are Now Being Accepted Until April 18, 2024

7 Apr

The Neigbourhood Small Grant program is back for 2024.  The foundation of this program is connecting people within their own communities.  The premise of the program is fairly simple – the best people to affect change in a community, are those that live within it. When money is less of an issue, it allows more ideas to flow.  This is where the grants come in. The Neighbourhood Small Grants program allows you to apply for up to $500 for your idea to connect your community.

What have other people done?   A few ideas include book exchanges, clothing swaps, cooking classes, creating benches and community gardens.  Some other ideas include creating small care packages for seniors with a few spring flowers and crossword puzzles and/or word search games.  For young children, creating a scavenger hunt in a park with prizes or rock painting. People have also created art cards for seniors in long term care. Connection is the key and the ideas are only limited by your imagination and, of course, the $500 budget. Want more ideas or thinking about applying? We invite you to visit Neighbourhood Small Grants for more information and ideas on what others have done with their Neighbourhood Small Grant.

The basic principles of the Neighbourhood Small Grants Program:

  1. Small is beautiful. Small ideas are beautiful and manageable.
  2. Everyone has something to offer. Whether you can teach a skill or give some tips, or provide a service. We all have something valuable to share.
  3. It’s your project. You create how you want it to look and feel.
  4. Create your chosen family.  A platform to help build networks within your community.

Applications are now open until April 18, 2024.   Applications may be accepted for a second cycle in the Fall depending on whether funds are still available. This is a great opportunity to create something memorable for your community.