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Canadian Premiere of PostSecret: The Show At The Firehall Arts Centre January 20th

19 Jan

PostSecretTheShowThere is an innovative new production coming to the Firehall Arts Centre on January 20th called PostSecret: The Show.  It brings to life one of the most popular blogs in the world PostSecret.com. US artist, Frank Warren, created a viral movement when he printed 3,000 self-addressed postcards and handed them out to people on the streets and asked them to send in their secrets. Postsecret.com is one of the most visited advertisement-free blogs in the world with nearly 700 million visitors. There have been six PostSecret books one of which made it to the New York Times bestseller list. In 2011, 300 of the postcard images became an exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art In New York.

On January 20th, Vancouver’s TJ Dawe along with other Vancouver collaborators Kahlil Ashanti and Justin Sudds will create a live immersive experience based on unheard PostSecret stories in collaboration with Frank Warren. This innovative project pushes the boundaries of crowd-sourced storytelling, combining intimate live performance with secrets from around the globe. You can expect a “visual, auditory and emotional journey through the beauty and complication of our deepest fears, ambitions, and confessions.” PostSecret: The Show showcases original music along with recorded voices, projected images and video in the hopes of reminding audiences that no matter what you may be facing in your life, you are not alone.

A preview show takes place January 20th with opening night taking place on January 21st. PostSecret The Show runs till February 7th. Tickets available online at Firehall Arts Centre.