Tag Archives: Likemind Vancouver

Likemind Vancouver Networking Event Friday, August 16th

14 Aug


Likemind is a monthly networking event for creative professionals and anyone else that wants to show up.  The events are held at different coffee shops all around Vancouver. Originally started in New York City, the event is called “Likemind” and has spread to over 30 cities around the world, taking place monthly on the third Friday of every month.  The events are an excuse, the organizers say, to slow down, take a moment and connect with “Likeminded” people over a great cup of coffee, which is something we don’t always make time for.

The next Likemind networking event is taking place this Friday at Kafka’s Coffee & Tea, 2525 Main Street (at Broadway) between 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. If you are unable to attend this month’s event, you can follow them on Twitter @LikemindVan for details of their next event.